Signs of Menopause / Peri-menopause

Millions of women in the United States are suffering from hormonal imbalance, whether it is early menopause, peri-menopause symptoms, peri-menopausal weight gain, adrenal fatigue, menopause, or premenstrual symptoms (PMS). In many cases, bioidentical hormone therapy can be part of the solution.

The signs of menopause and related hormonal issues include:

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Weight gain
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Irritability

Hot flashes, night sweats, trouble sleeping and weight gain are the most common symptoms of hormonal imbalance as a woman ages. Peri-menopause weight gain is often times misdiagnosed and is one of the first signs of hormonal imbalance. These signs of menopause or early menopause and related conditions are also connected to your stress levels, poor nutrition, lack of exercise and the environmental toxins your body is exposed to on a daily basis.

Dr. Rohde's supervised program uses only bioidentical hormones, which are identical to the body's natural chemistry, integrated with nutrition and fitness. This is a natural treatment that helps women suffering from the symptoms of peri-menopause and signs of menopause by using bioidentical hormones or natural hormones to live the best life possible.

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Testing along with Comprehensive Symptoms are critical factors for success.

To determine your hormonal needs, Dr. Rohde will thoroughly evaluate your early menopause symptoms using state-of-the-art diagnostic tests, such as, saliva, urine and/or blood tests to determine your hormone levels and your unique bioidentical hormonal needs. After starting bioidentical hormone therapy he monitors and reevaluates your hormone levels to insure that they are maintained at their optimum balance.

Which Hormones Do We Test?

Ovarian Hormones - What makes you a woman

•  Estrogens, Progesterone and Testosterone

Adrenal Hormones - Your immune system, your energy level, and your ability to handle stress
•  Cortisol – the stress hormone measured four times in a day
•  DHEA – the “mother of all hormones”
Thyroid Hormones - Your metabolism
•  TSH – Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
Your Body's System
•  Complete Blood Count, Complete Metabolic Profile, Hemoglobin A1C, Insulin and Lipid Panel
•  Vitamin D and Iron
Other Hormone Tests - The physician may suggest other tests for you based on your symptoms.

Along with your lab tests, you'll complete a thorough personal, medical and family history questionnaire. At your initial consultation, Dr. Rohde will review your history and lab results to determine with you the next steps together.

Balancing Hormones with Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

In treating a woman with signs of menopause, symptoms of peri-menopause and hormonal imbalance, Dr. Rohde will only replace exactly what is low or missing with the body's appropriate bioidentical hormones. He will prescribe the bioidentical hormones in a fashion that matches each woman's prior hormonal needs. We follow up with every patient closely, evaluating symptoms and using laboratory tests to determine each patient's customized dose. We use only the finest and most reputable compounding pharmacies to obtain the exact combination of hormones required to achieve hormonal balance.

Menopause and the Signs of Menopause

Menopause is the time in a woman's life when the ovarian production of estrogens, progesterone, and testosterone declines. The average age of menopause onset is 51, plus or minus several years. Menopause is medically defined as the time in which a woman ceases to menstruate for the duration of 12 months. Although the definition properly describes the event, the process can begin up to 10 years earlier (called peri-menopause).

Long before a woman's menstruation stops, she will have already noticed a change. Her periods become shorter in length and she notices a loss of energy, a decrease in strength, and a loss of libido. Her mood is altered and she may be more agitated, depressed, apathetic, and forgetful. While these are all symptoms of menopause, it is important to know that there is a bigger picture during this time your hormones are changing - you are experiencing the loss of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

Peri-menopause Symptoms

Peri-menopause is the length of time before and one year after the final menstrual period, during which ovarian hormonal patterns change. The average age at which irregular cycles develop is approximately age 47 but in many cases can start as early as 30 years old. Like the signs of menopause, this is a normal part of a woman's life cycle. Women can experience many of the same signs of menopause and can find relief with bioidentical hormone therapy.

Alternative to Potentially Unnecessary Hysterectomies or Post Hysterectomy Treatments

The Center for Disease Control found that two thirds of the approximate 600,000 hysterectomies done in the United States every year are unnecessary. A large percent of our female patients have had multiple gynecologic tests that are expensive, invasive, and can potentially have complications and my ultimately lead to a hysterectomy - all due to hormone imbalance.

Treating the Signs of Menopause and Peri-menopause Symptoms

There is no way to stop menopause, it's a natural cycle of life. Every woman will go through menopause at some point in her life. However, the difference is how you treat it. Natural bioidentical hormone therapy will help you overcome the symptoms of menopause and peri-menopause that occur with this stage in life.

Itchy, Bitchy, Sweaty, Sleepy, Bloated, Forgetful, and All-Dried up. In her bestseller, "The Sexy Years," Suzanne Somers explains how, one by one, these symptomatic dwarfs took over her life and how bioidentical hormone therapy made them go away.

There are many short-term benefits to natural bioidentical hormone therapy. The seven dwarfs, one-by-one, begin to leave. The hot flashes, the night sweats, the irritability, and the loss of energy and strength begin to subside. Your libido is restored and you begin to feel more control over your emotions.

Treatment Options

Treatment using bioidentical hormones for women are most common using creams and pills. However, in some cases gels may be used due to patient preference.

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